Maybe you’ve thought about parenting before and have considered it for your future. Or perhaps it was “never part of the plan.”

An unplanned pregnancy can make you question how you’ll make a confident decision. Birthright of Greater Meriden knows this can be a scary situation, but we’re here for you.

We’ll help you learn about parenting and what you’d need to make this option achievable.

Am I ready to be a parent?

Everyone’s parenting journey is unique, and they face different challenges and successes. But many parents find great success and joy from raising a child.

Deciding to parent can be complicated. You may wonder whether you’ll have the resources you need and what help is available. These questions can help you figure out your next steps:

  • What would I be most excited about with parenting?
  • What would I be most concerned about with parenting?
  • What resources do I need to make this decision?
  • How can I build a strong support system?
  • Will my child’s father be involved?

Even if your current situation seems to present obstacles, parenting may be possible with the right support. We’ll help you sort through any concerns you have as you weigh this option.

How We can Help

Birthright of Greater Meriden provides free and confidential parenting information. Here, you won’t feel judged or pressured. We exist to serve you.

If you decide to parent your child, we can refer you to classes on pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, and more. We provide resource and community referrals so you can access needed services, emotional support, and material aid. Birthright will provide you with free maternity and baby clothing.

Remember, this is your pregnancy and your decision. You alone can make a choice that best suits your needs and situation.

You don’t have to experience an unplanned pregnancy alone. Contact us today to make an appointment.